New! - Cultivating Your Green Thumb: An All Ages Container Gardening Experience
What is this Workshop?
This class was designed as our first hands-on, all-ages class, low-stress experience to get the whole family growing. I've had a blast seeing the beaming faces of kids, teens, and their families as they leave the class with their hands full of things to grow!
I had a library ask if we had any classes for kids. Immediately my mind went to my school-garden days. However, I had to make this a choose-your-own adventure that was be welcoming and accessible to a wide age range and experience of participants.
Everytime I run this class, it's a bit different because I meet people where they are. I generally have no idea who's going to show up and what they are interested in learning. I think that's the fun of it.
I set up a buffet of 4 stations. I've done this with all the materials on the grass/floor, but it's best to have about 8 tables grouped in pairs. As participants come in, I welcome them and give them the broad directions: You can make several container gardens that you can take home and grow. You can read, ask questions, ask for help as you go. You'll Choose a type of pot/container, a type of soil fertility, and decide the type of garden you want to grow. At the end if you want to try and make some solid blocks as a bonus, I can teach you ...
People are excited to have access to free seeds and materials. Kids and teens alike talked with their family about their home and where they can grow things. They dream of what's to come and have trouble choosing just one thing to grow. That's no problem because they can cycle through the stations multiple times if they want and leave with a couple types of gardens. I cycle through the groups interacting with those who want to talk and learn more about any step in the process so they know how to take care of their plants and plan for success
I typically bring seeds for:
- Easy to grow veggies
- Easy herbs
- Root veggies
- Healthy salad mixes
- The most popular tends to be My Wildfower Mix that's both beneficial for polinators & cut flowers for the home.
Libraries and Clubs can book this class and allow people to come as they like or register to guarantee they have a spot for each person. It can be an open 2 hour block of time, however, One library had patrons register in groups of up to 5 in 15 minute time slots (again totaling 2 hours).
I can adjust prices and times to accommodate your needs. The $400 asking price is for 40 participants and 2 hours of availability (plus 30 min before and after to set up/clean up).