Tri Gable Lea Eco Floor Hive Add-On
Note: most of these are sold locally and are picked up by appointment. However, we now can ship these to the lower 48 states!
This is an experimental add-on to our top bar hives. The idea is to fill the trough with decaying wood and forrest floor duff to create a micro climate and environment much like a rotting tree.
Bees in nature, do not live in isolation. They live with beneficial and parasitic critters alike. The hope is to provide a niche for the beneficial bacteria, fungi, arthropods, nematodes, and even mites (mites that feed on the verroa destructor mite) to establish themselves among the bees. A treatment free beekeeper will use this to let the bees manage their own environment and water cycles.
We encourage you to experiment with us with one of your hives to see how this effects the bees abilities to thrive. We also encourage you to do your research online, read and watch Phil Chandler's works with this idea.
Installation is as simple as taking off the bottom board and mesh on your hive, then screwing in the hinges and clasps. It is most easily done before the bees are hived, or we can install it for free when you order a hive from us.